Do you live out of the area, state, or country? Well, at Orozco Orthopaedics we offer assistance to help navigate having surgery at the Jersey Shore.
What is Destination Surgery?
Destination surgery for a hip or a knee replacement is when a patient has surgery away from home. This can be just a state away or an entire country away. We can help guide the process by offering scheduling assistance for diagnostic testing and for preadmission testing. The Jersey Shore boosts many hotels and weekly rentals due to the resort atmosphere. We are located just minutes from the Atlantic City airport and about an hour from Philadelphia International Airport.
We will work with your insurance carrier to check you network benefits and discuss payment options with you. If you do not have insurance or wish to proceed at a self pay rate. We can provide you with the overall cost that you will incur for your surgery.
Call today to discuss how you can recover at the Jersey Shore. 609-300-7779.